giovedì 29 agosto 2013

martedì 27 agosto 2013

Ecco qua i miei cioccolatini di oggi.
Ho utilizzato fondente al 60% aromatizzato alla vaniglia
Al centro granella di nocciole.
Garantisco buonissimi.

lunedì 26 agosto 2013

Bene, finalmente il caldo sta dando una tregua!
Ora inizio a progettare i nuovi lavori che obbligatoriamente vanno di pari passo col cambio della stagione, il cioccolato la farà da padrone questo autunno/inverno.
Purtroppo per alcuni mesi devo riporre tutte le fantasie cioccolatose in quanto nella mia regione non sarebbe assolutamente possibile creare nulla con il caldo estivo.
Serve comunque per pensare a nuove miscele e aromi da combinare insieme.
Posterò appena pronte le foto dei primi cioccolatini della stagione.
Per questo Natale farò tante cose carine e sfiziose adatte anche come regalo.
La cannella so già che la farà da padrona con il fondente e l'arancio in scorza.
Non sarà da meno la nocciola tritata..
insomma vado a temperare il fondente!
Un bacio

domenica 25 agosto 2013

Alcune creazioni di questi giorni

Spero vi piacciano, io mi sto divertendo come una bimba :)
Questo link è per la vendita dei lavori

giovedì 22 agosto 2013

My new job!
Now i'm selling my sugar candies in a shop on line: Etsy.
I prepare candies for Weddings and ceremonies in general.
Work the sugar paste to decorate with colors chosen and designs suitable for the occasion.

mercoledì 7 agosto 2013

This is my Island
In the center of Mediterranean sea
An island rich in history and mystery, the most ancient land in Europe.
traditions and culture derived from millennia of influences by different peoples who have lived there and conquered this magnificent land.
We have around 800 BC when the nuragica civilization is at its peak and behold, on the Sardinian coast, especially in the south-west came the Phoenicians, they owe their name to the greek "Phoinikes" because of their ability to color clothes (Poinix = purple) . Phoenicia was a strip of land between the mountains of Lebanon; arid and dry, not suitable for agriculture, was instead a land of sailors and traders, the Phoenicians, Semitic population of origin. In a column sepulchral stele of Nora, kept in the National Archaeological Museum of Cagliari, appears for the first time the name "Sardinia", more exactly SHRDN, missing vowels as in all Semitic languages​​. Initially, the Phoenicians created small towns that used as seaports, but within a century this fortress was transformed into the city proper.

Karalis (Cagliari), Nora, Bithia (Chia), Tharros (Cabras), Sulcis became the point of reference for the traffic in the Mediterranean. Born Othoca other smaller towns and Cornus at Oristano, Neapolis near Santa Maria di Monte Sirai Nabui and at Carbonia.

The relations between the Nuragical and Phoenicians were probably peaceful: in fact the coastal location of the Phoenician cities, in areas where there were no previous settlements nuragici, suggests that there should be reasonable grounds for conflict between the two cultures, it is assumed instead that there was a relationship of cooperation and trade exchange, besides cultural. The Nuraghic came into possession of tools such as writing or the concept of the city hitherto unknown. Also improved the living conditions of indigenous peoples, the Phoenicians introduced the practice of cultivation of the olive and the palm, the technique of preparation of salt, fishing. The contact with the Phoenicians helped the Sardinians to exploit mineral deposits, they met the iron and gold. The Phoenicians brought the Isle of products such as pottery, scented oil, glass artifacts, gold, silver, textiles.
The Phoenician religion was based on the worship of one God Baal El also said that maybe he could take different forms: in a pillar there is an inscription "Baal and Tanit, he heard." The Phoenician script was the one in use in the Syrian city of Ugaritt, with 22 consonants.
At one point the landing improvised Phoenicians became veritable City State, with a strong presence of military occupation. The early Phoenicians, skilled traders, settlers peaceful coastal areas sardines, gave way to the Phoenicians rulers organized and militarily ready perhaps to increase their holdings in the area.
Around 600 BC the Nuragical, perhaps realizing the supremacy and power of the Phoenicians and their cities attempted to react and despite the fragmentation of actions against the Phoenicians, often managed to inflict heavy losses to the enemy.
Here's the Phoenicians sought help from Carthage, a colony founded in 814 BC by their about and quickly took on a role in the Mediterranean as regards the control of traffic and the territory of the coasts.
The Carthaginians arrived on the island in order to appropriate also fighting against the Phoenicians, a real invasion, that of the Carthaginians aimed to colonize the island subjecting both the Phoenicians and Nuragici. Carthage began the colonization of the island around the fourth century BC giving rise to what is known coma "Sardinian-Punic civilization."
The situation was as follows in 560 BC, the Phoenicians of Carthage were not confined, as did the Phoenicians, the conquest of the coastal areas, but pushed inside the 'island, mountainous interior and impervious always been a stronghold of indigenous nuragiche. There was a kind of knowledge that would not have been able to penetrate inside the island, perhaps as expected, and then the Carthaginians stopped at the borders of what would become the "Barbagia."
While the Phoenicians ran independently Sardinian cities, defined City State, the Carthaginians dominated Sardinia with officers sent from Carthage, the island then became a real Carthaginian colony. The fulcrum of the Punic cities were already phoenix: Caralis, Nora, Bithia, sulci, Tharros Othoca, Cornus, which were fortified and which was imposed a foreign culture for that reason, at least in the early stages of domination, was absolutely ill- assimilated by the people. The cities were administered by two plenipotentiaries called Sufeti, who ruled in the name and on behalf of Carthage, on the political, military and administrative.
The island was directed towards agriculture and thousands of acres of land were cleared to make way for the cultivation of wheat and cereals. The Sardinians Nuragici, perched in the central mountains, continued to build nuraghes and tombs of the giants and follow the religious beliefs of their ancestors and culture nuragica undoubtedly evolved independently, enclosed in mountains impregnable.
It must be that time in the distant history of the island and cultural territorial division which then grew stronger over time more and more of the agricultural areas of southern Sardinia Campidano and inland from the central mountains to predominantly pastoral economy.
Sardinia remained firmly tied to the power dominatrix, the Carthaginians tended cancellation traditions and customs of the past do not tolerate interference, as the only concession to the "new" contacts with the world of nature and Etruscan greek almost exclusively commercial. The city grew considerably, gradually were abandoned campaigns.
At that period are, perhaps, the greatest destruction of the existing archaeological heritage, especially in the Campidano. Works megalithic tombs of the giants, nuraghes, were systematically destroyed by the Carthaginians, to use the stones that held them and build fortifications. In many places, the Carthaginians built on existing sites for convenience or necessity, in this way nuragici Neolithic sites and you are saved and have come down to us.
In just over two and a half centuries the Punic managed to delete a culture, a 'primitive economy though, to destroy entire forests of the island, to obscure language and traditions. The Sardinians of the land held by the Carthaginians were forced to pay high taxes and public work in the mines or in the ground to produce wealth to take Carthage. In 368 BC There were two motions of popular rebellion against the ruler quite important Punic but harsh repression and exemplary punishments panned all the protests of the people of Sardinia.
Until you get to 238 BC
with the arrival of a new ruler of Sardinia, the Roman army, who seized the island after his victory over the Carthaginians in the First Punic War.
Cit. Maria Meloni
In questi giorni molti di voi saranno in vacanza, o in fase di preparazione delle valigie.

Auguro a tutti dei giorni sereni e spensierati, utili per ricaricarsi di energie positive, indispensabili per affrontare la vita quotidiana.
Per chi rimane a casa consiglio di riscoprire quei piccoli gesti che fanno tanto bene al cuore, come la colazione tutti insieme, oppure sorprendere il partner organizzando cenette a lume di candela o un percorso benessere a due. Non sempre occorre andare dall'altra parte del mondo per "ritrovarsi".
Molto velocemente a volte ci si perde nel labirinto della vita quotidiana e della routine. Approfittiamo di qualche giorno di relax per riscoprirci e riscoprire.


domenica 4 agosto 2013

Oggi vorrei parlarvi dei centrifugati sia di frutta che di verdure.
In commercio ormai troviamo delle buone centrifughe casalinghe per poche decine di euro, e vi posso garantire che sono soldini spesi bene.
La centrifuga ha un sistema con il quale separa grazie alla velocità, la polpa e le bucce dal succo.
Otteniamo così dei succhi deliziosi e rinfrescanti, concentrati di vitamine e sali minerali, utilissimi tutto l'anno per il nostro organismo, ma indispensabili durante l'estate per sopperire alle carenze causate dal gran caldo.
Si possono mischiare frutti di diversi sapori ma anche frutta con delle verdure.
Uno dei centrifugati che adoro in assoluto è così composto:
Carote, uva, pesche, mele, kiwi!
Potete veramente sbizzarrirvi e crearne di diversi ogni qual volta ne avete voglia. Il centrifugato non ha alcun bisogno di aggiunte, né zucchero né acqua.
Alcuni suggerimenti:
Pomodoro, sedano e carote;
Pompelmo rosa, arance e pesche;
Kiwi, banane, mele e uva;
ecc. ecc.

giovedì 1 agosto 2013

Torta Freschissima

Per preparare questa torta velocissima ho utilizzato:

2 dischi di pan di spagna
crema pasticcera
sciroppo di zucchero
e..tantissima frutta

Inumidire il primo disco di pan di spagna con lo sciroppo di zucchero
applicare uno strato di nutella q.b.
aggiungere sopra la nutella la crema pasticcera e frutta mista a piacimento
posizionare il secondo disco di pan di spagna e ripetere l'operazione precedente.
Mettiamo la frutta con creatività!
Tenere in frigo per almeno 2 ore prima di servire.
Posso garantire che ha avuto tantissimo successo, soprattutto per la presenza della nutella che gli ha dato quel tocco in più.

Buon appetito!